Pondering American and jetBlue: Most Interesting
swelbar in American - jetBlue commercial arrangement, American Airlines, Southwest Airlines, airline slot swaps, jetblue Airways
Coming on the heels of last week's post about Southwest and being jilted by Delta and US Airways in their reworked slot exchange, this morning we get an announcement that American and jetBlue are entering into a new commercial arrangement at key east coast cities. I will probably write later on the topic but wanted to jot a few things down before I leave for meetings.
- Each SkyTeam and STAR have enhanced their positions in the New York metro market in recent months. Given the importance of New York and the key east coast cities of New York and Boston, American enhances its presence as well as that of oneworld with this announcement.
- jetBlue has a relationship with Aer Lingus. Lufthansa invested in jetBlue. Now jetBlue enters into a commercial relationship with American whereby customers of each airline can enjoy interline capabilities with the other at each Boston Logan and New York JFK on non-overlapping routes.
- Is jetBlue becoming the Alaska Airlines of the east coast? Keeping itself most relevant in its home market by code sharing with many airlines?
- American intends to transfer eight slot pairs at Ronald Reagan National Airport and one slot pair at White Plains N.Y. to jetBlue. Three more than jetBlue would receive in the DL-US proposed transaction. So for jetBlue, will it be 5, 8 or 13 slot pairs at Ronald Reagan National Airport?
- jetBlue intends to transfer 12 slot pairs at JFK to American.
- This slot transfer business is getting very interesting.
- It has been a bad week for Southwest. Between their cry of being "left out" of the US - DL slot swap; talk of being jilted by WestJet; and now American teaming with jetBlue .......
I wonder what Southwest must be thinking?
Article originally appeared on Swelblog / Swelbar on Airlines (http://www.swelblog.com/).
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